Trendy Questions

  • Available job

    You can find out the vacancies in the company and apply for these jobs through the following link:

  • Tender delivery dates

    To find out the latest delivery times please contact our customer service phone: +966 920033503

  • Latest News

    Please follow our page to now the latest news.

  • The Program

    Please set the program or templet so we can help you.

  • For Help

    Please contact us on the Consolidated clients service Number: +966 920033503

  • Application for Initial Qualifying

    Apply for initial qualification by registering through the qualification portal on the company's website:

  • Sign up for Qualifying

    We wish you to enter the company website and press the qualification section above and register your user name and secret number and complete the required data in order to qualify you with the company.

  • Company Expansion

    We will be happy to serve the area mentioned in our expansion plan very soon-God willing. Thank you for contacting us.

  • Registration with a License Program

    Registration requires the account activation license program via the sending link for registered email.

  • Changing the engineering office

    To change the engineering office, please send the application number and attach the new engineering office authorization after the approval of the Chamber of Commerce and the engineering office's commitment to the validity of the information is also certified by the Chamber of Commerce at e-mail :